
Standard Spill Response
The majority of our spills require the use of our Standard Response capability. This small van (and trailer where required) allows us to deploy to sites with a quantity of equipment and absorbents to rapidly instigate spill containment and clean up.

4 x 4 Response Capability
At Spill Response Wales, we are conscious that the terrain and weather in Wales can be challenging and that our customers can require us to deploy to remote inaccessible locations at a moment’s notice. As such, we offer a bespoke ex-utilities Land Rover equipped with a winch, raised suspension and off-road tyres, which is kept permanently stocked with spill response equipment and is ready to respond.
See further details of our 4×4 All Terrain Response capability.

All Terrain Vehicle
Where a spill or incident requires a response accross inhospitable terrain (for examle moorland), Spill Response Wales offers an All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) to mobilise personnel and equipment to the required location. An ATV offers a highly versatile plaform that causes a minimal environmental impact.