Case Studies
Summaries of our most recent projects are listed below in chronological order (most recent first):

24 Hour Incident Response: Fire Water Pumping and Treatment
Spill Response Wales attended a manufacturing facility following an overnight fire. The Response Team were able to pump out and stockpile contaminated firewater from the shop floor prior to disposal off-site. Containment measures to protect controlled waters were also installed at the site. Spill Response Wales maintained a continuous presence on site until all contaminated firewater was removed and assisted the facility in returning to production at the earliest opportunity.

Post Spill Remediation: Soil Vapour Assessment
Spill Response Wales were appointed to assist in the investigation, assessment and remediation of a hydrocarbon vapour issue within a residential property. Prior to works commencing, the property was deemed uninhabitable due to hydrocarbon vapours. Investigation works revealed low overall hydrocarbon contamination in soil, but a number of potential vapour pathways into the dwelling were noted and minor remediation works were undertaken to break these potential migration pathways. After one week, no further vapours were recorded at the property.

Site Maintenance & Equipment Hire: Hydrocarbon Recovery
Spill Response Wales was able to provide a Response Team and Equipment at short notice to mobilise to site and undertake product recovery works. These works allowed an area of known contamination to be rapidly addressed allowing redevelopment works to commence unhindered.

Pollution Prevention & Control: Environmental Compliance
Spill Response Wales was requested to provide advice and subsequently to supply a number of pollution prevention and control measures to assist an automotive manufacturer comply with their surface water discharge limits. A combination of drain identification markers, portable Draintector bladders for isolating individual drains and a full scale Draintector system installed at the site outfall were supplied to the client.

Oil & Fuel Spill Response: Diesel Spill
Spill Response Wales attended a diesel spill at a manufacturing facility. An HGV with a holed fuel tank had entered site and spilled diesel across the site entrance and loading bays. The Spill Response Wales’ response team instigated containment measures to protect controlled waters and assisted site staff in managing the incident. Following containment action, works to clean impacted drains and a site oil trap were conducted to mitigate any future mobilisation of residual diesel.

Post Spill Remediation: Kerosene Spill
Spill Response Wales provided rapid response, assessment and remediation services following a spill of kerosene at a residential dwelling. All works were completed in-house, within a fixed budget and delivered inside an agreed timescale. Disruption to the resident was minimal, with Spill Response Wales managing all aspects of the project including the restoration of normal fuel supplies.